Progressive in Minnesota's 3rd District
Take the Pledge
I believe in democracy, in the future and in our families. In family leave, family health and a family income. Pledge your name, join the movement and tell me what's important to you and yours:
I’m a father and a husband from Eden Prairie, Minnesota. It’s where our daughter Calamity Joe was born. It’s where she took her first steps. It’s where she naps and plays and toddles, and it’s our Eden Prairie community where she goes to ECFE and moms clubs. It’s Toddler Days at the Chanhassan library that introduces her to new books. She plays bare foot on the clean
playgrounds and stays active at the Community Center. This is what community is about. It’s the American dream. We live it everyday.
I'm serious. And I know serious
because I wrote comedy. Sketch, scripts and satire. I know what's funny and I know that what’s happening in our government right now isn’t.
I was born in Phila...