Bottom line: he’s illegitimate. He colluded with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. And the power to do something about it rests solely with the majority party in the House of Representatives, i.e. Do-Nothing Erik Paulsen. So what has Erik Paulsen done about it?
Surprise: Nothing.
Our Do-Nothing Representative is complicit with a traitor. I mean that. A free country cannot stand idle in the face of unfree elections. And we absolutely can’t stand for a Russian Agent as our President.
Trump's a threat to the American legacy, to our children and to the entire world.
In his first week in office he rushed to attack yet another middle eastern country, Yemen, killing children and a United States Navy Seal. He ordered the attack over dessert. Then he politicized the event to score applause points in Congress.
He's taunted the only world leader less equipped than he is, Kim Jon Un, with the unthinkable: Using nuclear weapons on a country of 25 million people.
He's obstructed his own justice department in their rightful investigations into his and his team's Russian dealings.
His failed healthcare plan would have taken some 30 million people off of healthcare. Fifty-four thousand of them in our very district.
He lies about everything. From his contacts with hostile foreign governments to his own golf game, he cannot be trusted.
He’s a corporate thief. He’s shut down countless small businesses by refusing to pay them. He settled for 25 million dollars with students whose tuition he stole through Trump University.
He’s in blatant violation of the emoluments clause. That means he’s taking money from foreign governments. Every time a dignitary or leader goes to Mar-a-Lago they bring an entourage of staff who stay at the resort at full expense. Their money goes right into Trump’s pockets.
Remember when he promised he’d cut ties with his business? He didn’t do that.
And he’s making money off of our government, too. His travel expenses in a few months have matched Obama’s entire first year. Every weekend he stays at his resorts the United States' government writes him a check for the cost.
Which means you and I write him a check. You pay taxes, to pay for a billionaire, who doesn’t pay taxes, to stay at his own resort. Think about that.
And he’s a sexual predator. The vile man is on tape bragging about sexual assault. And frankly his “locker room talk” excuse is a threat to all women and an insult to all men. There is nothing normal about that kind of behavior. Nothing.
He needs to go. And the person whose job it is to get rid of him, Erik Paulsen, is doing nothing.
Let’s do something.