Let’s catch up on family leave.
America is unique. We own a lot of “onlys.” We’re the only country with our flag on the moon. We’re the only country with over 1,000 Olympic Gold Medals. And we’re the only industrialized country to not ensure that our mothers get paid family leave after giving birth. The only one.
We have a misconception in America
that the free-market solves every problem. Well we’ve been around almost 250 years and so far the free market has yielded paid leave at a clip of 13%. So 87% of employers in the most economically-developed country in history provide no paid leave. None. That’s got to change. We can’t even begin to tackle larger topics like inequality in the workplace or childcare costs until we provide what the rest of the developed world considers basic human decency.
So what’s a good amount of time? The average leave given in country-members (like us) of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development is 17 weeks, so that seems like a good opening bid. But we start with discussion. We start by letting Republicans like Erik Paulsen know that Paid Family Leave is mandatory, and the task of Congress is to figure out its implementation, not its validity.
Never trust anyone who can’t treat their mother with respect.
Let’s double-down on single-incomes.
The middle class wage gap has created an economic climate hostile to the working class. (Check out my taxes page to see how we can fix that.) But the effect is that double income households are a near necessity. And for many families the double income lifestyle is fine. They like it. And to them I say, thank you. Commerce makes the country thrive and keep doing what you do. But it should be a choice, not a demand of the market.
Conservatives like to lament about the good old days when lunches were packed for school and kids came home when the streetlights flickered on. But as long as both parents are forced to spend 40+ hours a week at locations other than their homes, preparing lunches and maintaining curfew is a challenge.
Leaving one parent at home to tend to domestic responsibilities and family demands shouldn’t be a luxury. We need more strong salaries in the middle, not a collection of huge salaries on the top. (Again, see my taxes page.)
Creating a middle class economy supportive of single-income families (whether that income is mom's, dad's or cousin rick's) should be a priority of any Congress.
Let’s go to the park.
I believe in the power of our communities. My family sought out Eden Prairie for its parks and lakes. My daughter loves her early childhood development classes at the community center. There’s a reason the E.P. shows up on every reputable list of Best Places to Raise a Family. Nice parks draw nice families, nice families create nice cultures, nice cultures strengthen Minnesota. I want everyone in our district to enjoy what we enjoy. I want E.P.’s public programs and community services to be modeled in each Minneapolis suburb… and the country at large.
We talk a lot about what divides us. But I can tell you I’ve never gotten into a political argument at Round Lake. Never. My daughter swings with the children of Republicans and Democrats, the children of Scandinavians and Somali refugees. Communities stay together when they play together. Our parks are the hearts of our neighborhoods. And if we are going to bridge this divide across America it won’t start with the shouting heads on CNN or Facebook threads with your uncle. It will start with us. Playing with our children in our own neighborhoods. With our own neighbors.
Let’s make family leave a real thing. Let’s incentivize single-income households. Let’s put parks near every property.
Let’s do something.